MANNED (or womanned) Mission to Mars! – President Bush will announce plans next week to send Americans to Mars and back to the moon and to establish a long-term human presence on the moon, senior administration officials said Thursday night.
Bush doesn’t plan to send Americans to Mars anytime soon; rather, he envisions preparing for the mission more than a decade from now, one official said.
The president also wants to build a permanent space station on the moon.

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  1. Ken you sound like MS.
    This unfortunatly, is the same thing his -father- declared in the early 90s. It doesn’t have legs. A moonbase with the current NASA will be just another white-collar employment program like the ISS. :-(

  2. But white collars need employment, especially with all their normal jobs going to India. It is in this country’s best interest to give them employment on the moon.

  3. If we actually were going there, or better yet to Mars. Mars has water. As much land as Earth does. The Moon has neither, and frankly, isn’t much use at this point in time, unlike Mars and the Main Belt.
    A Moon project will be just another money pit like the ISS.

  4. I can think of many white-collar people I would like to send to the moon.
    Billy Boy and his lovely wife Bruno?

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