Nominally dead

Godfried Cardinal Danneels, the liberal Belgian cardinal — come to think of it, is there any other kind? — figures that Saddam deserves to be dead, but in name only.
I guess this makes sense: his Eminence is considered papabile, but that’s only talk too.


  1. Oh, dear. Someone’s going to read that and remember the Inquisitional practice of burning people in absentia by burning dummies. I know the Spanish I was fond of this practice — I’m not sure about the medieval papal Inquisitions.
    Really, the hierarchy should just shut up about this until it looks like something might happen–then opine.

  2. So H. E. Daneels is papabile? Having presided over the virtual extinction of the Church in Belgium, he’s now considered ready to lead the Church universal?

  3. After the AmChurch and certain European churches separate from the Universal Church, Crdinal Danneels will be elected their Pope. Jask ask John Allen.

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