
Well, there are now four Veres in our household. This past Wednesday, as the President signed the ban on partial-birth abortion into law, Angéla Zoë Vere weighed into the world at seven pounds, nine ounces. Both Sonya and the baby are doing well, and Jasmine is settling into her role as big sister. It was a wonderful culture of life moment all around. We were also blessed to be under the care of a pro-life ob-gyn who had come highly reccomended by some friends of ours (a doctor and a lawyer). This couple is quite active in the pro-life movement and only frequent pro-life doctors. While in the hospital, we were surprised to discover that the nurses consider him the best ob-gyn in the area and their favorite to work with when it comes to delivering babies.
Over the past year, Sonya and I have come to appreciate the blessing a pro-life doctor is throughout the childbirth process. Both Sonya and I found it really comforting to know that the doctor delivering our baby (the same doctor who worked with Sonya to get her system back up last winter) shares our view of life.


  1. Oh, Happy Day! What wonderful and joyous news! Congratulations to you and your family — may the Lord double your portion of rest in the days and weeks ahead. God bless you, and you, and you, and you!

    Why is grave sin so “tolerated” by so many in today’s world? Why is the “right to kill” through abortion, and the scandal involved with the “right to practice unnatural lifestyles” so accepted within, and outside the Church? The answer always comes back to the level of our faith.
    Evil continues to grow in society, and within the Church because it is often mistakenly recognized as “good.” True faith continues to decline because a morally sick, permissive liberalism has taken hold within the minds, and hearts of people. Through deceit, and censorship, especially from parts of the media, many people now place their trust in the opinions of men, rather than in the Word of Almighty God.
    Arrogance has replaced humility, selfishness has replaced compassion, hypocrisy has replaced true piety. A desire to be popular has replaced the desire to love God with our whole heart, our whole soul, and with all our strength, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
    Vincent Bemowski
    Menasha, WI
    Web Address: http://www.catholicmessagesusa.catholicweb.com/

  3. Welcome Angela Zoe Vere. You are truly blessed. Even though I don’t know your parents personally, from the works they do, it appears that you’ll be provided a good and holy foundation to grow in God’s love.
    Congrats Pete and Sonya.

  4. Congratulations to the entire Vere family and welcome to Zoe. God bless and keep all of you.
    If anyone knows how to find a prolife doctor in the New York City/ Long island area, please let me know. They seem to be rare around here.

  5. Jasmine, congratulations on the big promotion to being a big sister! I have younger sisters and brothers. Being the oldest has its good and bad points, but you always will know, first hand, that more people to love means more love, not love divided into smaller pieces.

  6. It is possible to find pro-life docs in NH, but there are only 3 who do not prescribe contraception – and they are none of them Ob/Gyns.
    The ACOG has succeeded in convincing their membership that one must prescribe contraception in order to serve their clientele.
    very, very, sad.

  7. Congratulations. If only doctors realized the kind of great patients they would have if they gave up practicing contraception. They’d be like all the bloggers and fans of this blog.

    With pride in America, and our Armed Forces, I salute the vast majority of men & women who serve our country with honor in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. May God bless them, and their families. To allow the few who dishonor our country to become a reflection of our entire nation, or to place the blame for their actions on their Commander n’ Chief, is a form of treason. Our soldiers in Iraq are not at war with the people of Iraq, but rather, they are peacekeepers who have become victims of revenge and hatred by an unseen enemy who will even kill their own countrymen if necessary. Without our military presence, mobs would rule a country that has lost its desire for peace. In comparison, allowing the Democratic party, responsible for millions of deaths through abortion, to resume power at any level of political life, is a disgrace to every American who believes in the right to life according to our Constitution, which says we are all created equal. Scandal is all around us, but the scandal of deliberate, willful abortion is the greatest scandal ever witnessed by any people – civilized, or uncivilized.
    Vincent Bemowski
    Menasha, WI

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