
Bill Cork has noticed that goofball bishop Thomas Gumbleton hasn’t given up on the idea of ordaining women as priests yet, and Dale Price accordingly wonders if Cardinal Maida will give His Excellency the slapdown he deserves. One would hope so, given that His Eminence rightly stopped a parish from hosting some pro-fem-ord speakers not too long ago.


  1. I won’t reproduce the passage here because it’s too long, but look at the preceding three paragraphs in Gumbleton’s article. If you didn’t already know the speaker was a goofball, what he says is completely solid, e.g.:
    “It isn’t just women who must be subject to their husbands. Both men and women are subject to one another in that marriage relationship out of obedience to Jesus. As Jesus was totally obedient in his life, he is the model for all of us in our relationships with one another, and especially in the relationship of married life. It is a relationship of equality, mutuality and of total service to one another.”
    The next paragraph about women’s ordination is a complete non sequitur. Just because men and women are equal doesn’t mean they are equivalent, or interchangable. One would expect a bishop to know the difference.
    And the following passage, regarding our personal responsibility to help the poor, and place our wealth at the service of others, could have been delivered by any of the (perfectly orthodox) priests at my parish. It’s too bad the guy’s pride and sexual sins caught up with him. He could have been a great warrior for Christ.
    Not that he would have liked that title….

  2. Thanks, Eric, for giving credit where it’s due.
    On the other hand, I’m not aware that we know anything about Gumby’s “sexual sins” — or is something public? He’s obviously a supporter of homosexual causes, but I wouldn’t necessarily draw conclusions from that.

  3. Sorry, sorry — I got him confused with Weakland for a moment. It was late in the evening when I wrote that. I did mean what I said about pride, because the guy doesn’t exactly reek of humility in his public statements.

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