Republicans for Sharpton!

Steve Martinovich, an old friend from our undergrad days together in the student press, tipped me off at Enter Stage Right about the hilarious Republicans for Sharpton website!

Here’s a hilarious quote from one of their stories: “Former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont, a doctor, said his fellow Democrats should not speak in abstractions. Instead, Dr. Dean said, they should talk about what it was like for that Colorado family who ended up in the emergency room because the city of Denver ran out of air. They were eventually able to get some air from Boulder but for a major city to run out of breathable air is unthinkable. 600,000 city residents were gasping for hours.”

1 comment

  1. I’d LOVE to see Sharpton as the Democratic nominee in 2004! Can you say “McGovern times fifty”? The same would probably apply if Dean becomes the nominee. The Dems may as well just nominate “W.” himself as their candidate instead of one of those clowns they have running in the primaries. At this point, that would be the only way they would win.

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