Reading for those who think Bush is a hooligan




1 comment

  1. I guarantee that in the 2004 campaign, Bush will be lambasted as spending all his time on defense issues and not on social issues. Yet, on his recent tour to Africa, which was intended to promote his financial aid package to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic and to promote increased trade and cooperation against terrorism between the U.S. and the African countries, the press completely overshadowed it with this foolish misstep he made about Iraq’s WMD in his State of the Union speech.
    Our president is trying to save lives of some of the most vulnerable people on Earth, improve our own economy and those of some of the poorest countries in the world, and do more to combat terrorism in Africa, and all the muckrakers can do is whine about a one line mistake in a speech from six months ago. Liberal hacks! They make me crazy! FoxNews forever!

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