1. Unless there is an upcoming vote of some kind, it seems that having a majority doesn’t make as much of a difference in political and moral issues as does which side can be the most vocal and get the most press. How else could the liberals in the U.S. have made the inroads that they have over the past several decades? They aren’t the majority, but they tend to be the loudest.

  2. The poll is much ado about nothing.
    The *specifics* of the poll results show that only 17% of women favor making abortion illegal.
    Any rational politician will translate that as “only 17% of women are pro-life”.

  3. It is mostly nothing, but it’s a confirmation that public opinion basically agrees with Bush Sr. on abortion.
    In reading poll numbers like this one, I ask two questions:
    (1) for how many people will pro-life proposals be *acceptable*?
    (2) how many people are single-issue pro-lifers vs. single-issue pro-aborters?

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