
The mostly black Baptist church in Louisiana that plans to pay white visitors for attending reminds me of the first time I went to a mostly black church.
When I was a catechumen, my sponsor and I visited various congregations’ services, and one of them was at a “Jesus-only” United Pentecostal church. The congregation was small, maybe 30 people: just a few extended families, it seemed. During the sermon, the black minister looked down at us amid his flock and said, “You boys: don’t think you’re saved just because you’re white!” We answered, “A-men!” and everyone laughed.


  1. Well, yeah, it was, but it is still funny. Just because white people are the only ones who are “allowed” to be racist, we mustn’t be bitter about it. What do the Marines say?
    “Love everybody: Let God sort it out” (Well, I know that is not what they say, but if only they could) :)

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