Mel’s Alleged Anti-Semitism

You know, if Mel became a Muslim, Hollywood would probably be fine with his alleged anti-semitism.


  1. Or even better became a Democrat. This is the secular form of baptism where not only is there remission of sin, but excuses offered gladly for any future indescretions.
    Compare the coverage of Rep. Kennedy drunk driving incident to Mel’s.

  2. Sadly, given his father teaches and believes that the Holocaust was fiction made up to evoke sympathy for the Jews, Mel may have absorbed, however unconsciously, some bigotry. He did apparently rant that the Jews were responsible for all wars while he was inebriated. The ADL has accepted his apology and hasn’t asked for a pound of flesh in the process.
    Alcohol unfortunately does have a way of loosening one’s inhibitions and impairing sound judgment, hence the Church’s teaching that to drink oneself stupid is a violation of the fifth commandment; man’s reason is killed or injured along with a few brain cells. Mr. Gibson had tossed enough back to feel free to spout off some nonsense which was seized upon by the press. The double standard at work would be funny if it all weren’t so sad to see the media trying so hard to put Mel’s head on a post.
    I hope his career doesn’t get burnt by all this. His film project about a Holocaust survivor has already been torpedoed by ABC because of alleged “delays”. Let’s all pray for Mel and his family during their ordeal.

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