This is why liturgical dancing is forbidden in the Western world.
I had to explain this to my choir one time and got lots of surprised looks. I said, “Liturgical Dancing is forbidden in the Western World.” *GASP* Forbidden? It can’t be FORBIDDEN?? How about discouraged? Could it be frowned upon now, and then a little tacky depending on execution, but after Vatican III can happen every week?
Ok only a couple of people sort of reacted that way. I went on to explain the reason, which is crystal clear in the link above: Americans associate dancing with all manner of sexual immorality.
Our archive keeps disappearing. I
Our archive keeps disappearing. I hope that’s not a sign we should stop blogging…
:: Oremus!
Let me be the first to welcome Alexandra Baldwin to Catholic blogdom! She has launched Oremus – Adventures in Orthodoxy. Crunchy Catholics beware!
Alexandra and her husband Bryan are very close friends of mine. We’ve known each other since college. They didn’t condemn back then when I was a heathen. Now I think they might name their first child after me!
:: So you want to sing show tunes and minister the sacraments?
I fell on the floor laughing when I read what Sean Gallagher wrote about combining priestly ministry with a Broadway career over at Nota Bene.
A very disturbing piece by
A very disturbing piece by Rod Dreher today on the human cost of our shepherd’s transgressions. What is the Church for? To bring souls to Christ, the only source of salvation. Look at the cost of this scandal in terms of the human cost and money doesn’t much matter. We need openess and accountability from our bishops and cardinals. We need to help the victims of this abuse heal fully. We need action on their part to eliminate this abuse in the future. We need to pray.