Scott hahn has a new book

coming out soon. “First Comes Love: Finding Your Family in the Church and the Trinity.”

From an interview on

ZENIT — Of the 10 books you’ve authored or co-authored, you say this is your most important. Why?
HAHN — Because this is the first book in which I’ve been able to give the big picture of why I became Catholic. My other books bore fruit in a systematic or apologetic way, which many people appreciated. But none of that would have been possible without the biblical theology you find in “First Comes Love.” With this book, I’m getting to the roots, which, for me, come down to three ideas: covenant theology, family solidarity, and the mystery of the Trinity. When I was a Protestant, I affirmed all of these; I just never connected them. What I found, over time, was that the three converge in Catholicism.

I need some help finding info on the priest in the bunny suit!

Church was Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Mount Vernon, Virginia. Decade was, not surprisingly, the 70’s. I have been crawling the net for any mention of this but I’m coming up with nada. Do you I have to call the Blue Stone Toad Society? Does St. Anthony help you find things on the net you’re looking for?

Priests in tights and bunny suits….oh my

Good Emily Stimpson has jumped on today’s liturgical dance bandwagon. My story might beat her’s. This is up there with the Circus Mass and the infamous blue stone toad. It has to do with my old parish in Alexandria, VA, though it happened long before my time. On Easter Sunday the pastor, dressed in a bunny suit, drove a VW Beetle up the isle and came out of the sun roof to begin Mass. I couldn’t find any info on the net about this but maybe some of our readers can dig it up? John was out west and mentioned the name of the parish to a local priest. His face lit up and he said, “Oh yeah! That’s where the pastor jumped out of a beetle in a bunny suit, right?”

Who is going to start on the book about the worst post-Vatican II liturgical abuses?