Why don’t priests sing?

When I was singing at the diaconate ordinations last week, I had a bird’s eye view of about 30 priests during Mass. I was amazed at how many didn’t crack open a hymnal, program or even move their mouths during the acclamations. Singing during Mass has something common with tithing – give anyone an excuse not to and they won’t. So Father – grab a hymnal, turn off the wireless mic and let it rip! And the cranky folks in the congregation won’t be able to say, “Well, Father doesn’t sing, so why should I?”
I have many more thoughts on congregational singing but will save them for later.

This is what I would characterize as a problem.

A former cop from Siberia has said he is Jesus since 1989. That’s only part of the problem. The other part of the problem is that people believe him.

“It’s all very complicated,” he starts quietly. “But to keep things simple, yes, I am Jesus Christ. That which was promised must come to pass. And it was promised in Israel 2,000 years ago that I would return, that I would come back to finish what was started. I am not God. And it is a mistake to see Jesus as God. But I am the living word of God the Father. Everything that God wants to say, he says through me.”

Someone please get the devil out of this guy! They call him “Vissarion Christ” – pretty scary.

“We’re not allowed to smoke, or swear, or drink,” laughs Larissa, a glowing 28-year-old mother of three who arrived here from Moscow with her mother as an 18-year-old. “Everything is banned here. We’re not allowed to do anything except fall in love.”

Sounds like Orem, Utah to me!

I’ve got to geek-out for just a minute

and tell you that I find it much easier to follow all the blogs with NetCaptor. It installs and uses IE as the browser engine but puts all the sites you open in a single program with tabs to arrange the windows so you can click back and forth between sites with relative ease. You can save all your favorite blogs as a group and open them all at once when you want to read. You can even reload ALL the pages at once to get updates. It is worth a look. Unfortunately, they want money for it. Maybe as St. Blog’s Parish we can get an institutional discount?

Law and not of the Cardinal variety.

The discussion is Canon Law between Amy Welborn, Mark Shea, and others. It is worth following, but that pesky comment feature is like giving your house keys to every kook in the world with a PC and a phone line. I’m going to change my template so all the email links say “anger management.”