“He made the Sun stand still”

It’s good to hear that Copernicus’ grave has been located in the cathedral in Frombork (Poland). The Polish side of my family is from his birthplace ToruĊ„, where he is the local hero, giving his name to a university and some other cultural institutions.
Professor Ed Peters mentions a detail I hadn’t known before: not only was the astronomer a deacon, he was a canon lawyer with a JCD from the University of Ferrara.

Another great reason to avoid the “Catholic” Campaign for Human Development

Catholics probe aid directed to ACORN

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has hired forensic accounting specialists to investigate more than $1 million in church funding to voter-registration group ACORN, fearing the money may have been spent in partisan or fraudulent ways that could jeopardize the church’s tax-exempt status.
The investigation is “thorough, serious and ongoing,” according to a July 11 letter to more than 200 bishops from New Orleans Bishop Robert Morin, chairman of the committee that oversees the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.
The CCHD sent $1,037,000 to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in 2007, including a $40,000 grant to an ACORN affiliate in Las Vegas that was raided last month by the Nevada attorney general’s office in a voter-fraud probe. …full story

Viva la Reina!

I hope that Sofia, Queen of Spain, said exactly the things attributed to her in this article. While respectful to other persons, she did not hesitate to uphold a common-sense moral position regarding abortion and so-called gay marriage.
The first step in moral philosophy is to call things by their right names.