Can anyone prove that Ron Reagan is related to his father?

Ron Reagan, who gave disloyal, backstabbing sons a bad name in the 1980s, will speak at the Democratic National Convention later this month. He wants Dr. Mengele’s spiritual descendants to create and destroy tiny human beings at will, and he doesn’t like the Bush Administration’s opposition to such things.
“This gives me a platform to educate people about stem-cell research,” Reagan said. “The conservative right has a rather simplistic way of characterizing it as baby killing. We’re not talking about fingers and toes and brains. This is a mass of a couple hundred undifferentiated cells.”
Of course, when we are talking about entities with “fingers and toes and brains,” the Democrats want to destroy them, too — but not for any high-minded reasons like curing heart disease or Alzheimer’s or whatever stem cells are supposed to fix this week. They think it’s fine to rip off the arms and legs of live babies in utero — abortionists need something more substantial to grip than fingers and toes — or suck out the brains of babies who could survive on their own. The reason isn’t medical research, but how can you possibly question the tough, personal decision to stab an eight-month-old fetus in the back of his neck as he’s being born?
Characterizing the killing of babies as “baby killing” may be simple, but it is not “simplistic.” There’s no nuance here: either an embryo is a living, human entity with a separate life from its parents, or it isn’t. If it is a human being, then it needs to be treated with more respect than toenail clippings.
Sir, you were an embarrassment when your father was in office, and you are an embarrassment now that he has left us. Please sit down and stop talking.

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“The Untouchable Chief of Baghdad”, an opinion site run by one of my colleagues, posted an article written by me about the origin of the Washington Post’s shoddy Iraq coverage. The main culprit is Rajiv Chandrasekaran, a 31-year-old reporter who heads the Baghdad bureau. He’s twisted the facts from the beginning to suit his “America will fail” meta-narrative, and I saw it with my own eyes in Iraq. He’s looking to make his name on helping to break American will, and I wanted to open people’s eyes to that fact.
Michelle Malkin, mother, Catholic, columnist, author of books and all-around total badass, has already linked to it.

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That is the sound of the economy, and with it the increase in Consumer Confidence.
More news like this and Michael Moore will be forced to make sequels to F/9-11 that feature conspiracy theories about the Bush landslide in November.

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First Amendment fetishists say “yes!” to porn for kids; Supreme Court says “right on!”

The First Amendment fetishists — whose views usually triumph in the Supreme Court — have scored another victory. Pornographers can still market their filth to children, according to our judicial masters. More precisely, they can market their filth, and the authorities can do nothing to stop them.
I haven’t read the majority opinion, and I won’t venture one of my own until I do, except to point out that “free speech” trumps practically every other consideration (except when it comes to abortion-clinic protests, smoking ads, or other things that disgust the Supreme Court).
Some people think that America will continue to slide down into a moral swamp until we’re mired in depravity. I disagree. In typical American fashion, we won’t choose a moderate path of tolerating that which we cannot eradicate, and discouraging evil. We will say “anything goes!” until the consequences of the evils are too great. Then we will scream “ZERO TOLERANCE!” and make war on the fruits of our vices. Careening from one extreme to another is one of the great flaws in our national character.

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