
Papabile has pulled his blog from the net, it seems, leaving just an image of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Let’s hope it’s only temporary, and that his prudent commentary on church news will be back soon. Any clues?
Update: What little was left is now gone, alas.

Categorized as On the 'net

The chilling effect is on

A seminarian writes on his website:

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Due to a new seminary policy, I will no longer be able to maintain the blog.
posted by [name withheld] at 12:10 PM

Interesting. Some new policy imposes burdens on the public writings of seminarians. I wonder if it has anything to do with the long-awaited seminary visitation, starting Real Soon Now.
Hey, somebody get your hands on that policy and send me a copy so I can post it here.

VR today

Friday evening’s English news from Vatican Radio has some features about Pope John Paul and the Middle East. First, the Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Peter Sfeir celebrated a Divine Liturgy on Thursday night as part of the Novendiales, and speaks about the late Holy Father’s love for the Eastern Churches. Then VR presents a look at the Pope’s efforts for peace in the Holy Land and interviews the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah. Audio is online through the World Radio Network: select the English show for Friday at 1950 UTC.

A new blog!

Arthur and Andrew believe in gettin’ right in the culture’s face and tellin’ it what for. Here they are, with more spleen than any one man could handle: the Angry Twins.