Looky over at “Care and Feeding of a Catholic Church Choir” for a few hundred words about why I am sick of Marty Haugen’s music.
Author: Steve
:: Hombre Del Cacahuete en Cuba
Carter arrived in Cuba this morning. Castro used to call him “Peanut Man.” I think that’s funny.
I don’t believe former Presidents should act as diplomats. Outside of office they can’t really represent any interest other than their own. It’s one thing to attend the Christmas party at the Mexican embassy, another all together to go some place like Cuba for the purposes of “dialogue.”
CARTER: It really hurt my feelings when you used to call me “Peanut Man.”
CASTRO: Lo siento mucho. ¿Qué si le llamo las “tuercas del señor?” which means I’m very sorry. What if I call you “Mister Nuts?”
If Peanut Man’s visit helps the people of Cuba in some way it’s worth it. Religious freedom especially. The 40-year-old embargo sure hasn’t.
:: Confession is good for my driving
“Bless me father for I have sinned. It’s been 13 minutes since my last confession. I did the penance you gave me in front of the Blessed Sacrament and got in my car to drive home. I was waiting patiently to make a right hand turn, and one of God’s children pulled up on my left and cut me off to make the right hand turn before me. Without thinking I cursed at his bright purple car, then the side of his head, then when he looked at me I cursed at him directly, and when he was in front of me on the road I cursed at the back of his head. He got on the ramp to the Beltway and when I was on the bridge overlooking it I saw it was totally jammed. I said outloud something like ‘Serves that #$!!@$% right getting caught in the !#$!$#!$!% traffic right after #$!#%$!% cutting me off! Look whose in a hurry now #!@#$@$!’ Then I turned around and came back here. Can I paint the rectory for my penance? I’ve got my sackcloth and ashes right here – I keep them in the car.”
:: Why I am going to stop reading the news and become a hermit
Where’s my cheese grater? I am speechless about this article regarding a U.N.-financed sex education manual used in South America from the Washington Times, a newspaper I can usually read without having a conniption. Apparently the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has funded production of the manual in El Salvador with “very graphic pictures.” 10 year-olds are seeing this.
The UNICEF-funded manual from Mexico, whose title translated into English is “Theoretic Elements for Working With Mothers and Pregnant Teens,” suggests: “Situations in which you can obtain sexual pleasure: 1. Masturbation. 2. Sexual relations with a partner whether heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. 3. A sexual response that is directed toward inanimate objects, animals, minors, non-consenting persons.”
Note to self: Check with U.N. personnel office. Find out if Satan is actually on the payroll or if he’s volunteering.
:: Why I don’t read the Washington Post
Because stories like this make me want to grate cheese. This is about Judith Levine’s new book “Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex.”
The antidote was Jonah Goldberg’s NRO column yesterday.
… as Irving Kristol noted long ago, if you believe that a book or a movie can’t hurt people, you also pretty much have to believe a book or a movie can’t help them either.