:: ‘Greedy monsters’ ruled the Church of the Nativity

This disturbing story from the Washington Times on the conduct of the Palestians and the Franciscans during the seige on the Church of the Nativity. Stockpiles of food were seized and voraciously consumed by the Palestinians. They boozed like sailors. Orthodox priests didn’t have anything good to say about their “guests” or their Franciscan brothers:

Angry Orthodox priests yesterday showed two reporters about 20 empty bottles of whiskey, champagne, vodka, cognac and French wine on a kitchen shelf and on the floor of two rooms.
“They should be ashamed of themselves. They acted like animals, like greedy monsters. Come, I will show you more,” said one priest, who declined to give his name.
He gestured toward empty bottles of Israeli-brewed Maccabi beer and hundreds of cigarette butts strewn on the floor.
The priest then took the reporters to see computers taken apart and a television set dismantled for use as a hiding place for weapons.
“You can see what repayment we got for ‘hosting’ these so-called guests,” said Archbishop Ironius, another cleric, as he showed reporters the main reception hall of the Greek Orthodox Monastery.
“All the media concentrated on the Franciscan [Catholic] quarter, where little damage was done,” the archbishop said. “Why? The Franciscans actually let the gunmen in, then guided the gunmen to our rooms.”

Is it true? If it is it appears my outrage wasn’t properly placed at only the Palestinians who occupied the church where Christ was born.

Mark Shea has some very

Mark Shea has some very interesting thoughts on what the Holy Father is thinking. If Christ’s Passion has any lesson for us it is that suffering matters.

:: The Earth is banana-shaped

Someone removed the page about Earth being the center of the universe on Catholic Apologetics International! I expect this one to be deleted pretty soon too. It states that aether, a medium that permeates the entire universe, is the cause of gravity. Einstein’s theories on the curvature of space-time have been proved beyond any doubt. This section compares Einstein’s theories with the idea of the aether.

But it is just as likely that the earth is stationary and the aether is moving against it. The aether, in turn, would hold the sun and stars, and the whole thing would revolve around the earth once every 24 hours.

Just hold that lightbulb up to the socket and the universe will screw it in.

I heard from a local

I heard from a local priest that he was about to Baptize an infant and the parents, with no clue about latin, named the beautiful child “Regina Caeli.”

Let’s hope they don’t name their second child “Agnus Dei!”

MAILBAG :: No hablo espanol

This is from one of our beloved spanish-speaking readers:

You Wrote regarding Carter’s Visit to Cuba:
CARTER: It really hurt my feelings when you used to call me “Peanut Man.”
CASTRO: Lo siento mucho. ¿Qué si le llamo las “tuercas del señor?” which means I’m very sorry. What if I call you “Mister Nuts?”
The real flavor of the translation: (An expression that is unprintable appeared here) Would you prefer it if I called you “The Man’s Wing Nuts?”

Apparently the phrase “tuercas del senor” is an idiomatic expression which is a lot like saying “go play in traffic” only it involves an part of the male anatomy. It has nothing to do with wing nuts or peanuts. Let’s just say mi madre would wash my mouth out with soap if I had said that around her.

To our readers who actually understand spanish I say estoy muy, muy apesadumbrado.