Marion Barry Bio.

I’ve been a resident of the Washington DC metro area since Reagan was President so I have an interest in local politics and politicos. This article from The Washington Post caught my eye today. HBO is considering doing a biography of the former mayor and some-time ward of the Feds. That takes me back to a shot Jonah Goldberg invented with some of his friends named after the, uh, honorable Marion Barry. The ingredients are Jaegermeister, Khalua, bourbon, and Coke, because they wanted a drink, “So black, not even the man could keep it down.”

This column by Peggy Noonan

tells me something I never knew about the Papacy.

In the Vatican after they have chosen a new pope, they lead him to a room off the Sistine Chapel where he is given the clothing of a pope. It is called the Crying Room. It is called that because it is there that the burdens and responsibilities of the papacy tend to come crashing down on the new pontiff. Many of them have wept. The best have wept.


The same friend who I mentioned below is trying to convince me we can all be assured of salvation. And that the Bible is the standard for “Truth” with a capital “T.” And Christ’s sacrifice ended on Calvary so there is no purpose in the Eucharist. And that we are saved by faith apart from works of the law. Well the last one is true, since what Paul was saying is that we don’t have to become Jewish before we can become Christian. Why when a mere Christian sees that word “law” in the New Testament they think of the Catholic Church I have no idea. They equate “law” with a church that has rules. Christ gave us rules – what’s wrong with rules? We all know Martin Luther inserted the word “alone” into the passage on being saved by faith apart from works in order to appease his own scrupulosity. It is a terrible sin of pride if when God has forgiven us we cannot forgive ourselves. It is insidious emotion, too – we think we are being righteous or penitent when we are scrupulous but we are not. Rather we should glorify Christ’s love and mercy in the confessional by leaving our faults and trangressions there with Him, accepting His forgiveness and being renewed in our Christian lives. But I digress!

Putting the issues of sola scriptura and the assurance of salvation aside, it’s clear that there is a failure here to understand the nature of Christ’s sacrifice. She sent me this passage from John:

When Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30
and said “The sacrifice is complete-finished, ‘paid in full.'” Do we deny Christ’s sacrifice-and say, well maybe it wasn’t good enough?

Of course we don’t say that. What we do say is that Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t over when he died on the Cross, it was accomplished. It is accomplished. Christ offers Himself to the Father perpetually for the redemption of our sins – what else would the eternal High Priest do? Christ appeared with glorified wounds as a sign of His perpetual sacrifice. The Lamb in Revelation is slain. And this from the earliest Christians:

The Didache
“Assemble on the Lord’s day, and break bread and offer the Eucharist; but first make confession of your faults, so that your sacrifice may be a pure one. Anyone who has a difference with his fellow is not to take part with you until he has been reconciled, so as to avoid any profanation of your sacrifice [Matt. 5:23-24]. For this is the offering of which the Lord has said, ‘Everywhere and always bring me a sacrifice that is undefiled, for I am a great king, says the Lord, and my name is the wonder of nations’ [Mal. 1:11, 14]” (Didache 14 [A.D. 70]).

How people can ignore what the first generation of Christians knew of the nature of Christ’s sacrifice is utterly beyond me. It’s going to take me a while to reply to her. I’ll let you all know how it goes.

Covered in prayer.

A mere Christian friend of mine is starting a new ministry at her church – a prayer ministry. We have discussed it at length this past week while we’ve been doing our daily walks. She is forming groups who will pray for those attending services at her church while the services are going on. I thought that was novel and asked her why do such a thing. “To pray for the visitors and new members that the Spirit would take root in them, to pray for everyone that they get something from sermon, basically just to cover everyone in prayer,” she said. What a contrast that is to our worship where the Mass is prayer. Still, I wonder how many of us consciously pray for new-comers and visitors, or if those intentions are expressed in the prayers of the faithful. Or even for those whose hearts are not touched by faith. The next time you go to Mass you might be standing next to a saint on earth or someone whose faith has become luke warm. Pray for them regardless! And when you get to the Sign of Peace don’t turn to them and say “Howdy!” Greet them with warmth and say, “Peace BE with you!” We are saying in essence “may Christ’s peace abide in you” or “may you know Christ’s peace” or “may you live in Christ’s peace.” That is a tremendous blessing we give each other in four words. Think of that the next time you are at Mass. It is He who is Peace who wants us to share His peace in prayer and action in our parishes. We have numerous opportunities to minister to each other and share Christ’s peace, in smalls ways and big ways. Let’s be mindful of that in our daily lives.