“With regard to the power of the priests over the real body of Christ, it is of faith that when they pronounce the words of consecration, the incarnate God has obliged himself to obey and come into their hands under the appearance of bread and wine. We are struck with wonder when we find that in obedience to the words of his priests – hoc est corpus meum – God Himself descends on the altar, and that He comes whenever they call Him, and as often as they call Him, and places Himself in their hands, even though they should be His enemies. And after having come He remains entirely at their disposal and they move Him about as they please from one place to another. They may, if they wish, shut Him up in the tabernacle, or expose Him on the altar, or carry Him outside the church; they may, if they choose, eat His flesh, and give Him for the food of others.”

The last, last words about the current state of affairs.

For real this time. Please don’t send any more email to me about this. Karen Maria Knapp of From the Anchor Hold writes:

Sorry, Steve, but “crisis” is already taken by our extortionist problem; find something else.
I must admit, I don’t like “the Situation” either, the term or the thing.

And lastly – I mean it folks – a brief discourse on nomenclature from Michael Tinkler, the crankiest of professors.

‘The Situation’ bothers me because it’s mealy-mouthed
– it sounds like a term used in press conferences. At
least we could say ‘The Pedophilia Situation’ or ‘The
Unchaste-clergy Situation’.
‘Crisis’ is dangerous because we think of Crises as
Passing away, and we don’t want to levae them the
option of waiting it out.
‘The Babylonian Captivity’ is a great name for a
‘situation’, but I’m not sure how early that name
comes out. I wonder what Catherine of Siena actually
called it – ‘La Situazione’?

I’m with you, Michael, I just didn’t think to call the expression mealy-mouthed.

I met another newly-ordained priest this evening

at a church in Alexandria. I arrived very early for the 7:00 pm Mass and knelt in a pew to pray. The priest walked up to me and told me he was about to offer Mass and asked if I would do the reading and the Psalm. I agreed. I didn’t realize it was just going to be the two of us. I was an altar boy again for the first time in 13 years! It was wonderful to celebrate Mass so quietly and peacefully. Afterwards we spoke briefly. It turns out the regular evening Mass was going on the in chapel next door. He was saying his obligatory Mass as he was passing through on his way to Rome to see the Holy Father and the Canonization of Blessed Padre Pio. I didn’t properly thank him for allowing me to serve. Please pray for him in his ministry and his travels. His name is Father Peter. For that matter, let’s pray for all our newly-ordained priests. Don’t forget to thank God for calling good men to the priesthood for giving them the grace to answer.

I have some pictures of the tabernacle in this church. I might post them tomorrow along with some commentary. The tabernacle wasn’t in the church. It wasn’t in the chapel. It was in a small room with kneelers in it on the side of the church. What do you call a room like that? Is there a name for it?

Some last words about the very bad thing the Bishops are meeting about.

“The Crisis” or “The Situation?” Steve Mattson wrote me the following in response to my email.

Whenever there’s a problem in the Church, it’s dubbed
a “crisis.” The “vocations crisis” is just the most
famous example. People use the term about social
problems all the time, so it loses its value–at least
that’s my sense.

Maybe I don’t hear the word “crisis” as much as he does. If that’s the case I’m stunned because I am a lay person living in the Washington DC metro area and he is in the seminary.

This mess we’re in is just too complicated to be called “The Situation.” For decades some of the abuse and priest-shuffling went on. Certainly for decades the notion of a maleable, relativistic truth has been part of our culture and infected the Church in this country. A billion dollars has been paid out to victims already, most of it quietlyd. Take Archbishop Weakland for example. He turned a beautiful Cathedral into a modern “worship space” contrary to explicit directives from Rome to do otherwise. He had one homosexual affair that we know of. He paid 450 large to keep it on the down-low. His lawyers squashed someone who brought a lawsuit against the Archdiocese and then went after them with statutory verve to get $4500 in legal fees out of them. Take all those things together and they were more than a situation, they were a crisis. This is The Crisis. The culmination of a whole lot of things like what Weakland did. The scale of it boggles the mind and the heart. The weight of it has crushed the spirits of many, many people. We must put our trust in Jesus. We must glorify Him by accepting His love and mercy. We must pray for our shepherds with all our hearts and trust that Christ who founded the Church will restore it.

Steve Mattson

chooses to continue to refer to this boat that we’re on as “The Situation.” I’ll write more on this topic later and then I will put it to bed. Though I have very strong opinions on the matter I know it doesn’t do us any good to argue semantics.