Kerry on Bush’s meeting at the Vatican

Reacting to Bush’s meeting with Vatican officials, Kerry says, “I think it was entirely and extraordinarily inappropriate, and I think it speaks for itself.” Which means, “I’m the one who’s Catholic, damnit! All those contracepting, fornicating, aborting, sodomizing, and/or masturbating ‘Catholics’ are supposed to vote for me!” That’s the so-called “Catholic vote” Kerry is courting, right? These are primacy of conscience types who have killed their conscience. Rather than primacy of conscience it is primacy of the spirit of the world.

CNN refers to Bush’s request “promoting those issues that are part of his social agenda.” You can almost feel the writers of this piece bristling at the thought of the leaders of one of the world’s major religions getting involved in what they see are domestic political issues, not issues of absolute morality. Kerry is reported as disagreeing with Bush’s request on the basis of the separation of Church and State. How does this endanger the separation of Church and State? It doesn’t. What the liberals would have us believe and practice, as they do, is religion has no role in public discourse. It is an argument from authority (the weakest kind, according to St. Thomas); the authority of a document, the U.S. Constitution, whose First Amendment has been misinterpretted and misrepresented again and again to remove religion from the public life of this nation.

The Constitution is based in large part on Natural Law, correct? Natural Law admits the truth of a universal, not relative, morality. Absolute morality forbids all manner of things people have gone through the civil courts to obtain in the name of personal rights. Bringing the Church and other Christian churches into the fray of these moral issues is essential if we are to spread the Gospel, but also if we are to protect our rights.

And lastly, an aside I picked up listening to a tape of Fr. John Corapi: Natural Law also admits the existence of God, reality Himself. To be disconnected from God is essentially to be disconnected from reality. This is a good definition of insanity. Something that Frank Sheed and Fr. Corapi agree on – aetheism and secularism are a form of insanity.

Categorized as Politics

Media bias

Karzai lauds U.S. war on terror – a top story on but unreported on the front page of the Washington Post (online edition,, and It just doesn’t fit in with the meta-narratives of the day. The President of Afghanistan praising the U.S. and the current administration? I guess it’s not newsworthy if it won’t help Kerry get elected.

UPDATE: I checked the print editions of the Washington Post and USA Today. Neither carry the Karzai story on the front page.

Another reason to re-elect Bush

Can you imagine how John Fonda Kerry will deal with the growing threat of Iran? Editorial on the growing threat via, America’s newspaper and Eric’s employer.

As the IAEA meets in Vienna to consider a European-drafted resolution pointing to Iran’s continued refusal to come clean about its nuclear program, representatives of the Islamist regime continue to threaten the agency. The speaker of the Iranian parliament yesterday warned that members may not ratify Iran’s signature to an additional protocol to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) — something insisted on by the IAEA after it discovered that Tehran was attempting to develop atomic weapons in violation of its obligations as a signer of the NPT. The speaker, Gholam Ali Hadad-Adel, suggested that by pressing Iran to tell the truth, the Europeans were doing the bidding of nefarious “Zionists.” Late last month, the head of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards warned that that the regime was prepared to launch suicide attacks or missile strikes against “29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West.”

Categorized as Politics

Southern Baptists leave Alliance

The Southern Baptist Convention voted yesterday to sever its 99-year relationship with the Baptist World Alliance on the grounds that it includes a Baptist denomination with openly homosexual members.

This is a huge controversy among the Baptists. It’s worth reading the whole article to get the gist of it. What they need is a universal magisterium and less autonomy. Though even with the gifts God has bestowed on His true Church, we’re still plagued with similar issues of faithfulness to Church teaching.