St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer Memorial

“I will go up to the foot of the Cross; I will press my arms tightly around the cold body, the corpse of Christ, with the fire of my love…..I will unail it, with my reparation and mortifications….I will wrap it in the new winding-sheet of my clean life, and I will bury it in the clean rock of my breast, where no one can tear it away from me, and there, Lord, take your rest! Were the whole world to abandon you…serviam! I will serve you Lord.”
-St. Jose Maria Escriva

Ora pro nobis!

Categorized as Devotions

Cheney’s f-bomb dropping

  1. Leahy had it coming:

    “It was partly that, it was partly also … it had to do with — he is the kind of individual who will make those kinds of charges and then come act as though he’s your best friend, and I expressed in no uncertain terms my views of his conduct and walked away,” Cheney said.
    “Part of the problem here is that instead of having a substantive debate over important substantive policy issues, he had challenged my integrity, and I didn’t like that. But most of all I didn’t like the fact that after he’d done so, then he wanted to act like everything was peaches and cream.”

  2. I’m glad Cheney felt better after giving Leahy a piece of his mind.
  3. This is probably the funniest graphic I’ve ever seen on CNN:


Pigeons lead to hidden Renaissance fresco

MADRID, Spain (AP) — Pigeons fluttering through a hole in the ceiling of a Spanish cathedral led an art restoration team to discover a hidden Renaissance fresco of winged angels that had been covered by a false ceiling for more than 300 years.