Cardinal Ratzinger and U.S. Bishops ‘in Harmony’

WASHINGTON, D.C., JULY 13, 2004 ( Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and U.S. bishops are “very much in harmony” in regard to the Church’s position on the issue of pro-abortion Catholic politicians’ access to Communion.

Who are you and what have you done with Cardinal Ratzinger?

Waiting for the outrage

Over Greek authorities killing 15,000 stray dogs before the Olympics to far surpass any outrage over the nearly 4,000 humans killed each day in abortion mills in this country. How many abortions worldwide daily? Anyone have that figure?

Cache of child porn found at seminary – in Vienna, Austria

As many as 40,000 photos and an undisclosed number of films, including child pornography, were found a year ago on computers at the seminary, the respected news magazine Profil reported.
It published several images purportedly showing young priests and their instructors kissing and fondling each other, and said others showed them engaging in orgies and sex games. The child porn came mostly from Web sites based in Poland, the magazine said.
[Bishop] Krenn, a conservative churchman, told Austrian television he had seen photos of seminary leaders in sexual situations with students, but he described the images as part of an elaborate prank that “had nothing to do with homosexuality.”

Krenn says he “may have made some wrong personnel decisions” at the seminary. Yeah. Definitely made some wrong personnel decisions. God help us all.