St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Jesu, spes poenitentibus
Quam pius te petentibus
Quam bonus te quaerentibus
O quid invenientibus?

Jesus, hope of the penitent
How kind you are to those who ask
How good you are to those who seek
What must You be to those who find?

Beautiful! And An apt quote also for the memorial of St. Pio of Pietrelcina.

Categorized as Devotions

Dom Columba Marmion on praying the Office

I’m reading a book by Dom Columba Marmion, O.S.B. called “Christ – the Ideal of the Priest.” Marmion had a number of great books published by B. Herder Book Co. but they have been out of print for years. A publisher should pick them up again. From what I’ve read so far all his works appear to be treasures.

“I find I am greatly helped in the recitation of the divine Office by the thought that I am really an ambassador sent by the Church many times each day to bear a message to the throne of the Most High. This message must be presented in the terms and according to the ceremonial prescribed by the Church.”

The same applies to Mass, of course. Someone please tell the libs!

Categorized as Devotions

And let them eat cake, too!

Teresa Heinz Kerry on the hurricane relief efforts:

“Clothing is wonderful, but let them go naked for a while, at least the kids,” said Heinz Kerry, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. “Water is necessary, and then generators, and then food, and then clothes.”

-link via Drudge.

Categorized as Politics

Hispanics resist plan for diocesan fingerprinting

At issue is Bishop Loverde’s mandate that all priests, seminarians, nuns, church employees and lay volunteers who work with children be fingerprinted for a criminal background check per the Dallas Charter. If undocumented, meaning illegal, aliens are forced to be fingerprinted, is this going to “dry up” Hispanic volunteer participation? I suppose we’ll see. I think the article is a fair treament of the issue by the Wash Times.

Some priests are objecting to the Bishop’s mandate. Others, it seems, are waiting to draw a line in sand.

The fingerprinting doesn’t trouble Leah Tenorio, director of Hispanic ministry at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Alexandria, as much as the requirement for Social Security numbers. She estimated that 40 percent of the Hispanics whom she ministers lack Social Security cards.
“If you can’t complete a background check, what do you do? Does it mean they can’t minister?” she said.

Ms. Tenorio should take the Bishop at his word. According the Bishop’s mandate, the answer is no, they can’t minister unless they’ve had a background check. Bishop Loverde clearly wants to follow the Dallas Charter to the letter. Let’s see what happens if parishes like Good Shepherd don’t comply with this mandate. If they are not forced to comply with the mandate and fingerprint all volunteers it could create a tremendous amount of liability for the Diocese if, God forbid, any future case of sexual abuse came to light.