Michael Ledeen says…

That we’ve misunderstood the beheadings. Some snippets:

This is not about us — it is about them. The beheading films are recruitment tools. They’ve been around for a long time, part and parcel of the first generation of “jihad” home movies, circulated mostly in North Africa to excite homicidal fanatics and lure them into the Islamist bands. The main difference between then and now is that their marketing and distribution have improved, thanks to their comrades at al Jazeera and al Arabiya, and the Internet.

We cannot wage an effective war unless we understand the nature of our enemy. If we do not grasp that the terrorists’ ranks are full of people who are there precisely because they are thrilled by the prospect of beheading human beings, we will fail to see the war through to its necessary conclusion. The beheadings are about them, not us. They show us very important things we need to know: What they are, what they want, what they will do if we do not stop them.

Read the whole thing!

New blog!

Find a preponderance of Adam at “Ponderings of Adam.”

What money can buy

Green vs. black by Thomas Sowell in the washington times today. This will make your head spin.

Among the many luxuries wealth can buy is insulation from reality — the most dangerous luxury of all. Another dangerous luxury is a sense of being one of the wonderfully special people with superior wisdom and virtue. Environmental extremism flourishes among those who can afford both luxuries.
Did you know people in the wealthy San Francisco suburb of Sausalito, across the bay, own 80,000 acres of land in Kenya? What are they doing with it? They are setting it aside as a nature preserve,to keep poor people in Kenya from hunting animals for food on those 80,000 acres.

Bede the Venerable on pastorship

“It is not only bishops, presbyters, deacons and even those who govern monasteries who are to be understood to be pastors; but also all the faithful who keep watch over the little ones of their house, are properly called pastors.”

Homily 1.7 – Homilies of the Gospels
Book One
Advent to Lent

Categorized as Theology

Bookish blockheads deconstruct Michael Jackson

Yale holds a conference on the so-called King of Pop. Was there any mention of his narcissism? His life truly serves as an example to others and could be summed up in three simple words: don’t go there.