Bishop Loverde upholds orthodoxy in letter on voting

Bishop Loverde writes a letter to the people of Arlington in the Arlington Catholic Herald this week upholding the culture of life and reminding Catholics of their responsibility to consider life issues above all others in this election. If you are an Arlingtonian you’d do well to read the whole thing.

Let me be clear: to vote for a candidate precisely because of his or her pro-abortion stance is an instance of formal cooperation in a grave evil. Such formal cooperation is, according to the constant teaching of the Church, never morally permissible.

I’d like Pete or others to comment on the canonical implications of this statement. What does it mean for a Catholic if he formally cooperates in a grave evil?

Bishop Loverde explains proportionate reason for voting for particular candidates, something that is lost on those who equate the death penalty with the terror war with abortion with ketchup being declared a vegetable with nose hair trimmers for the indigent. It’s too long to quote here – just click above and read the whole enchilada.

Mark Steyn, Mark Steyn, Mark Steyn

No time for Kerry’s Europhile delusions – read the whole thing! But if you can’t read the whole thing, read these excerpts.

The war against the Islamists and the flu-shot business are really opposite sides of the same coin. I want Bush to win on Election Day because he’s committed to this war and, as the novelist and Internet maestro Roger L. Simon says, “the more committed we are to it, the shorter it will be.” The longer it gets, the harder it will be, because it’s a race against time, against lengthening demographic, economic and geopolitical odds. By “demographic,” I mean the Muslim world’s high birth rate, which by mid-century will give tiny Yemen a higher population than vast empty Russia. By “economic,” I mean the perfect storm the Europeans will face within this decade, because their lavish welfare states are unsustainable on their shriveled post-Christian birth rates. By “geopolitical,” I mean that, if you think the United Nations and other international organizations are antipathetic to America now, wait a few years and see what kind of support you get from a semi-Islamified Europe.
So this is no time to vote for Europhile delusions. The Continental health and welfare systems John Kerry so admires are, in fact, part of the reason those societies are dying. As for Canada, yes, under socialized health care, prescription drugs are cheaper, medical treatment’s cheaper, life is cheaper. After much stonewalling, the Province of Quebec’s Health Department announced this week that in the last year some 600 Quebecers had died from C. difficile, a bacterium acquired in hospital. In other words, if, say, Bill Clinton had gone for his heart bypass to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, he would have had the surgery, woken up the next day swimming in diarrhea and then died. It’s a bacterium caused by inattention to hygiene — by unionized, unsackable cleaners who don’t clean properly; by harassed overstretched hospital staff who don’t bother washing their hands as often as they should. So 600 people have been killed by the filthy squalor of disease-ridden government hospitals. That’s the official number. Unofficially, if you’re over 65, the hospitals will save face and attribute your death at their hands to “old age” or some such and then “lose” the relevant medical records. Quebec’s health system is a lot less healthy than, for example, Iraq’s.

I was going to make the whole quote bold and write “(EMPHASIS MINE!!!!!!!!)” at the end, but you get the picture.

Categorized as Politics

“Al Pieda“????

Link via Drudge to TSG.

Two dorks throw pies at Ann Coulter during a speech at the University Arizona. They say they’re “throwing pies at her ideas not at her.” And they call themselves “Al Pieda.”

This is so moronic I think I’ve suffered permanent brain damage just reading about it. Instead of rational discourse we have neanderthals throwing pies at someone they disagree with. How long, Lord?