News report from the latest Bishop’s conference:
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago noted that a long-standing division between bishops who prefer standard American English and those who want a literal rending of Latin has become more complex. Some bishops on both sides have realized that the current English text is more familiar and meaningful to many Catholics than the centuries-old Latin text once was, he said.
“There are those who have been quite critical of the present translation, but who are now saying that we don’t want to disturb the people, especially in the situation of weakened episcopal authority we have now,” he said, referring to distrust of bishops who failed to remove child molesters from the priesthood.
Two points:
It’s amazing that Cardinal George believes some Bishops don’t want to upset the apple cart because, gee – the people think we are jackasses for how we handled priests guilty of sexual misconduct. We’ll need a generation to pass before we can act decisively on moral and disciplinary issues.
Can you actually weaken authority that has been given by God? Only if you presume to weaken it yourself.
Second issue: I’m all in favor or reviewing the banal English translations we’ve been given for something that is more meaningful, even if that takes some time to stick.
More later when I have time…