More evidence the EU is out of control

What’s wrong with hospital staff refusing to perform procedures that they find morally objectionable?
Ask the legal bucketheads at the European Union:
Slovak-Vatican abortion deal criticised by EU experts

Slovakia has been challenged by EU legal experts over an agreement with the Vatican, aimed at reducing the number of abortions in the country…
The EU’s Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights, a group of member state analysts created by the European Commission, has indicated Slovakia could be “violating its obligations” as an EU member, according to the UK paper.
The Slovak-Vatican “concordat” would enable health workers in hospitals founded by the catholic church to refer to “conscience” grounds in saying no to women demanding abortion or in vitro fertilisation (IVF)…
The EU legal panel said that in principle “certain religious organisations” should have the right not to perform “certain activities where this would conflict with [their] ethos or belief.”
However, the experts added “It is important the exercise of this right does not conflict with the rights of others, including the right of all women to receive certain medical services or counselling without any discrimination.”

Casino Night at your Local Catholic Church

Banning casino fundraisers for the classroom will be on the table next week for Calgary’s Catholic school board, thanks to a motion filed by dissident trustee Michael O’Malley.
Calgary’s top Catholic, Bishop Fred Henry, has said using casinos to collect cash for school projects fosters greed and is a detriment to family values. …more

More on the sad saga of a Polish parish in St. Louis

St. Louis archbishop ousts Polish parish

St. Louis’ Roman Catholic archbishop has issued a “decree of suppression” of St. Stanislaus Kostka, ending the historic church’s standing as a Catholic parish in the St. Louis Archdiocese.
The traditional Polish parish, which is at odds with the archdiocese over control of the parish’s property and assets, is appealing the suppression, along with last year’s interdict and last month’s excommunication of its lay board of directors and priest.