I’ve been to school today

Karl writes:
It is a custom in Eastern churches to sing the gospel in multiple languages. I did it in German one year. Lots of fun. By this we commemorate the reversal of the confusion of tongues at Babel. Of course, that doesn’t mean it is a custom in the latin rite. But I thought you should know it is not necessarily screwy.


Here’s my contribution to someone else’s Blog today. You’ll understand when you go there if you haven’t been already.
“Onealism Has Left The Building”
“Onealism is a Journey, Not a Destination”
“Onealism Tastes Great With an ’88 Barolo”
“Heterodoxy is someone else’s Doxy: Onealism is my Doxy.”
“Hello, My Name is Onealism”
“What This Stew Needs Is A Bit More Onealism”
“Look Both Ways Before Crossing Onealism”
“Holy Onealism, Batman”
“Tune Your Clock Radio to Onealism”
“Today: Heavy Rain With A Slight Chance of Onealism”

Pentecost and Pig Latin

I would love to hear from people who experience the trotting out everyone who knows a language besides English to read part of the first reading on Pentecost. I heard it twice at my parish because I went to both the Vigil and morning Mass with my choir. Driving away from church, I asked my wife, “Honey, do you think I’m stupid? Does someone need to draw me a picture of what happened on X day of salvation history? Do they need to light a bush on fire when Moses runs into God? Do I need to see Zacheus fall out of tree? I understand the concept of the miracle of the Apostles speaking in other languages.”
She laughed and said, “You’re not *that* stupid.”

Homily today: Ordinatio Sacerdotalis Much

Homily today: Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
Much to the consternation of about .0005% of the congregation today, our Assc. Pastor mentioned JP II’s encyclical that declares the Church does not have the authority to ordain women to the priesthood. It didn’t tie in gracefully with Pentecost, but it did tie in with The Situation did tie in nicely with his theme in the last few weeks of the question: Is Jesus God?
If Jesus was God, could he have chosen apostles who were women? Or do we think that our pal Jesus just a historical figure that was bound by the customs of his time?
Someone explain this to me: Why do some people think that the socio-economic changes that ocurred in America since the 1960’s should also be applied to the 2,000 year old Church of Christ? Do they know more than JP II what’s good for the Church? More than St. Catherine of Sienna? More than St. Francis? St. Teresa Avila? St. Paul? Or even Jesus – who made the choice Himself?
God on earth. He did a lot of things that were “counter-cultural” including die on the cross for us.