For the herd of independent minds in the mass media, the Cindy Sheehan storyline is set in stone: bereaved mom of dead soldier turns on foolish president, updates at 11. Media accounts almost invariably say that Specialist Sheehan “was killed in Iraq,” or he “died in Iraq,” without mentioning the Mahdi Army, the gang of thugs who killed him.
The Mahdi Army is led by dimwit cleric Moqtada “Mookie” al Sadr, and they have few principles beyond hatred of America, the state of Israel, any Muslim whose theology varies from their own, the use of soap, etc. Last year, they tried to take over Baghdad, with the goal of seizing the southern half of Iraq.
If the Mahdi Army had gained power, they promised to institute the full Mookie: everyone would have been oppressed with an uncompromising version of Sharia law, and Iranian despots would have had a large say in Iraq’s internal affairs — that is, if Iraq continued to exist. This is a group of (ahem) individuals who are not excessively devoted to the natural moral law.
Had it not been for men like Casey Sheehan, the Mahdi Army would have at least carved out a terrorist enclave for themselves, much as the jihadis established Fallujah as their home base around the same time. Dozens of American soldiers like Specialist Sheehan died while defending the populace of Iraq.
You could read all of that by trolling through news accounts. But who was Casey Sheehan, the man? That’s not as well-known. His mother carries his 8×10 portrait to protest rallies, in a twisted parody of a religious procession, as if she is carrying a saint’s icon that she intends to use as a weapon.
But that belittles the flesh-and-blood Casey Sheehan, who could well be a saint. He was an altar boy as a youth, and served as a eucharistic minister for his fellow soldiers. On the day he died, he went to Mass, and when he got back he heard that the Mahdi Army had trapped a group of soldiers and were slowly picking them off, one by one. Specialist Sheehan volunteered to help rescue them.
He didn’t have to go. He was a mechanic, and nobody ordered him on the mission. But he insisted on helping his comrades. Fanatic thugs ambushed his vehicle and murdered him and another soldier, Corporal Forest J. Jostes.
Specialist Sheehan and six other soldiers died that day, Palm Sunday, 2004. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for battlefield valor.
His mother basks in the attention she would not receive if she were just another crank with no dead son. I pray that Casey Sheehan is basking in the pleasures of heaven, a well-deserved reward for his Christ-like desire to place others’ lives before his own.
(Read a short biography of Casey Sheehan here.)
Author: Eric Johnson
From grieving mother to media whore
I used to think that Cindy Sheehan used to deserve the benefit of the doubt because she lost a son in Iraq, and has been obviously manipulated by the paranoic fringe of the Left. Today, we can accurately call her a media whore with no fear of slandering her. Unfair? Look at her expression as she is arrested in front of the White House for obstructing the sidewalk:
Does it look like she’s “grieving”? Can we all stop pretending she’s motivated by moral indignation?
Cindy Sheehan will spend the evening in jail, then perhaps she will be charged with a misdemeanor, pay a small fine, and that’s it. For that, she is called a “hero” and lionized in the media. But her son does not get one-hundredth of the attention of his camera-loving mother, and that is a crime, too. Casey Sheehan not only did his duty, he went above and beyond it — and died a glorious death. He died after volunteering for rescue mission to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. He was under no obligation to go on that mission; indeed, he was on his second enlistment, so he didn’t have to be a soldier in the first place.
Casey represents what is best about America, and indeed humanity itself: the willingness to risk one’s life for others. There is no better kind of death, except dying for the Cross. By contrast, his mother represents self-absorbtion, emotion posing as moral analysis, and dialogue by shrieking — the very things that threaten our foundation as a democracy. For if we can’t discuss anything rationally, and constantly excoriate our country and its institutions, how can we possibly continue?
Catholic Light on the Road: Turkey
I am in Turkey right now, about 44 hours before I return home. I’ve been gone for two weeks, and I’m quite ready to see my family again. Hopefully, after I get back, I’ll blog regularly, or at least more than once every nine or ten days.
Catholic Light on the road: London blogging
I’m in London on business with the Nameless Entity. I just finished with the British Shakespeare Association conference in Newcastle, where I led a seminar discussing online versions of Shakespeare. That was just a diversion — no tax dollars were used to fund my trip, in case you were wondering — but the whole experience was fascinating and gratifying.
Before that, I was in San Diego for a conference on behalf of the Entity. After London, I will go to another country, and won’t get back until next week. Needless to say, I’m missing my family very much, but at least I’m doing intersting things.
I feel totally disconnected from America in a way that I have never felt, because when I left, New Orleans still existed. Blogging about that seems rather solipsistic, since it really has nothing to do with me, but I know this is obviously a tremendously important event in the life of our country, and it’s odd to watch it from across an ocean.
Has any First World country ever lost an entire city since the end of World War II? The way some people talk, you would think it’s a routine occurence. I watched two BBC anchors who were perplexed that “the richest and most advanced country in the world” couldn’t do something as simple and straightforward as remove several hundred thousand people on short notice, even in a city where the government is notoriously corrupt, inefficient, and slow.
It’s hard to explain our federal system to regular, everyday British subjects. Not that they’re incapable of understanding it, but the U.K. is so much more geograpically compact, and their government is so much more centralized, that they have difficulty conceiving that the president can’t just swoop in with thousands of troops and federal workers. Even today, CNN reported that the governor of Louisiana is resisting President Bush’s plan to federalize the whole mess.
Isn’t it time to revisit the concept of “acts of God”?
Cindy Sheehan and Prince Charles: Separated at birth?
It has been revealed: Cindy Sheehan, mother of war hero Casey Sheehan, is the fraternal twin of the Prince of Wales, His Royal Highness Charles Windsor Castle. Either that, or they are siblings, at the very least. Below is the proof (with links to the original sources, lest you think I photoshopped anything):
Previous entry about Sheehan here.