New blog: “Live Catholic”

My friend Marcy K., a Catholic mom who’s also a media techie, has a sweet new blog about finding resources to help you Live Catholic. Enjoy!


  1. This is Marcy K. In the interest of disclosure, I was a member of RC in the past, but left them after much prayer and contemplation because I felt I could not trust the leadership of either RC or LC, and there were many things happening that I felt were not right.
    I personally have found that the advice given by the priest at the Catholic Spiritual Direction website is very good. I don’t think that it is fair for people to completely ostracize any priest because he is, or was, a member of the LC. There are many priests in the Legion who are wonderful, decent men and are trying hard to spread the Faith. They should not be treated as contaminated goods.
    My reason for having a blog is to pass onto others resources I feel are helpful to Catholics and others investigating the Faith. I am very thoughtful about what I put on my blog and only post things that I think are truly Catholic. I think the Catholic Spiritual Direction website is much better than any wishy-washy liberal “Catholic” site and I stand by my posting it.

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