Congratulations, Fr. Steve Schultz!

arl-cath.jpgOur friend, brother, and colleague Steve Schultz was ordained in a joyous ceremony today at the cathedral in Arlington.
arl-inside.jpg Steve’s twin brother John was chosen to be cantor for the Mass; believe it or not, he’s in this photo, singing in rehearsal from the back of the choir loft; thus he is more or less directly under the Cross in the image. The lovely and talented Teresa Schultz, in the choir, joined John to lead the Litany of the Saints.
arl-blessing.jpgThe congregation attending filled the cathedral, and filled the reception hall downstairs even more so. Steve kindly prayed for and blessed the many friends, relatives, and other well-wishes in attendance; after a while, you could tell he was working! From there, he was scheduled to go straight to work on confessions at St. Rita parish, on day one. Fr. Steve’s first Mass is scheduled for 11 a.m. Sunday (Corpus Christi Sunday) at that church.


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