We’ve got a lot of work to do!

Spreading the Church’s teaching on sacred music has to start with the people who run music programs, and for evidence that this work is needed, see this ad from craigslist:

Singers needed at church in Downtown Crossing (Boston)
Reply to: music@stanthonyshrine.org
Date: 2008-08-22, 9:38AM EDT
Contemporary Catholic music ministry in Downtown Crossing needs cantors!
Looking for trained, professional singers familiar with the Catholic Mass who can sing in a variety of styles – especially theatre/gospel/pop.
Must be able to sight-read and have great rhythm. Ability to play a solo instrument (sax, horn, guitar, piano, etc.) is a huge plus.
Also seeking subs for piano, drums, bass, guitar and trumpet.
Contact music@stanthonyshrine.org to set up an audition. Thanks!

Let’s see how many deviations from proper ideals of sacred music there are in this one ad. Secular styles such as theatre and pop certainly don’t belong in the sacred liturgy. The ad doesn’t mention music for the organ, the one instrument the Church prefers above all others except the human voice. It seeks players for solo instruments: are we to imagine that the music at St. Anthony’s Shrine will include solo riffs, as if the Mass were a jam session?


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