What did you expect?

Gay bishop backs Planned Parenthood
Remember our friend from up north, the Episcopal church’s first openly gay bishop?
“Abortion, he said yesterday, is ‘not just a matter between a woman and her body. This is not like removing a mole. On the other hand, no one should interfere with a woman’s right to choose.'”
Someone better check the sheep costume: the wolf may need a better disguise.


  1. This past week six Episcopalian pastors in Connecticut were threatened with ‘unfrocking’ because of their strong position against homosexuality and the ordination of Mr. Robinson…so much for tolerance.

  2. The other night I stayed up late watching an SCTV marathon on cable. (You know…Second City…John Candy etc.)
    After 3 episodes I surfed to CSPAN and the Planned Parenthood Clergy Breakfast.
    For a while there, I thought I was still watching SCTV. I kept waiting for Johnny LaRue or Guy Caballero to walk out.

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