Lesbian Brownshirts in Canada Sue Knights of Columbus Over “Wedding”

Here are the details. The lesbians will likely win since BC is Canada’s California, and those currently sitting on the Human Rights Tribunal are holdovers from the previous socialist government. We desperately need a revolution in this country.


  1. Being a true Republic is hardly a cure-all. France is true Republic; are they any better than Canada? The United States is a Republic and we elected Clinton twice, would have elected Al Gore in 2000 if our system had direct election of the president, and very well may have elected Joe Lieberman a few months ago if the Democrats had had the good sense to run him instead of that aristocratic used-car salesman who almost makes Clinton look steady and honest (thankfully they didn’t).
    If Canada ditched the queen and the GG tomorrow and replaced them with a parliamentary-style president, do you think the Tories would come into power and restore morality and integrity to the government?

  2. I’m firmly supportive of gay marriage; I am not, however, firmly supportive of violating the rights of churches by forcing them to allow people to marry on their property who they do not believe should marry.

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