In the previous post, I used the phrase “Loony Left,” which I apply not to honest, intellectually serious people who hold liberal views, but to the people on the left who are truly unhinged.
If you want a working definition of the Loony Left, look at these pictures from an anti-Bush rally in Berkeley the day after the election. [WARNING: bad language on a few of the signs.]
My favorite is the “CAN WE SECEDE ALREADY?” sign. Yes! Yes, you can! Do you want just the Bay Area, or all of California?
The runner-up is “I’M ASHAMED TO BE AMERICAN.” I’ve always thought it was easier to change yourself rather than change the world around you, so maybe that guy should emigrate. That way, he won’t have to be ashamed, because he won’t be an American. And we have one fewer nut-case on the streets. Everybody wins.
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My favorite was the “Bush = Satan” sign. How ironic for a bunch of people who don’t believe in God to say the President is the devil.