Another sign from the Almighty

Hurricane Xavier
Can we all agree that God does not like Florida?


  1. God? Ask yourself this … cui bono? Why, George Bush.
    So he obviously is behind this scheme of so-called “natural disasters” screwing up election-recordkeeping and halting Community Mobilization Efforts, thus silencing and marginalizing The Voice Of The African-American Community and helping him steal another election.

  2. Well, Algore says that global warming is causing bad weather, and George Bush wants global warming…so you’re onto something there, Victor.

  3. Nah. If Bush were causing global warming on purpose to cause hurricanes to hit Florida in order to disenfranchise black voters, Teh-RAY-zuh would have told us about it. She is the one, after all, who uncovered Bush’s fiendishly fiendish plot to “capture” Osama next month.

  4. Or maybe God is just gracing plywood and generator vendors. I am in the track of this one and will probably go to the Vigil Mass since Sunday will be very nasty.

  5. Like I told my frustrated aunt who lives in Vero Beach….well, just remember that it does pay to have the governor’s brother in the white house…

  6. it does pay to have the governor’s brother in the white house…
    It also pays to be in a crucial swing-state a month before the election when disaster strikes.

  7. Incidentally, the Florida hurricane graphics have had much more vivid color than in past years. Is this some kind of Key West/Fab Five makeover thing?

  8. A Florida court (do you see a trend here?) overturned the special state law that was enacted to preserve the life of Terri Schiavo.
    Maybe God is a little tired of that?

  9. My take is this:
    Floridians will pray more, for deliverance. God will hear their prayer. Then he wont send more hurricanes and will also deliver them from the grasps of the Democrat party as a bonus deliverence.
    Florida goes red all over.

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