Yankee Go Home!

[Warning: Harsh Blog Commentary Follows — Not suitable for mothers, young ladies and children]
With apologies to GWAR…
It’s not your imagination and it’s not a bad trippy,
yes, that’s right, it’s Michael Moore the hippy

As some of you might be aware, there’s a federal election going on in Canada right now. And guess what? The Conservative Party is winning. The reason for this is simple: Canadians like myself who take their religion seriously are sick and tired of having the Liberal goverment (assisted by the socialist NDP) shove the homosexual agenda down our throats.
Michael Moore is not happy about the rise of the Conservative Party of Canada in the polls. So he recently made his way to Toronto where, with all the arrogance of an American imperialist, he warned Canadians against voting for the Conservative Party of Canada.
Michael, I’ve spent the past four years living in the United States. Most Americans I have met are warm and hospitable people. These are memories that I will take with me when I move back to Canada next week to pursue my doctorate. You, however, are the exception to my otherwise positive experience of Americans. In fact, with your smug paternalistic attitude YOU — and not President Bush — are the stereotypical ugly American that the rest of the world complains about. You’re obnoxious, you’re condescending and you’re also fat from eating too much junk food.
We Canadians know how we will vote in the next election. Our votes are not about to change because some journalistic equivalent to masturbation (your entire shtick, in my opinion, is about Michael Moore — nobody else — so you don’t even have enough credibility to be dismissed as a hack) orders us to do otherwise.
Michael Moore, go home! You’ve made a big enough nuissance of yourself in your own country. Leave Canadians alone…


  1. Imagine the arrogance of a man who steals intellectual property from a noted writer and then when the latter telephones to protest…evades the calls and refuses to apologize. They should have given him the GOLDEN CALF prize at the Canned Film Festival this year…go Canadians!!….and carry me back to ‘ol PEI!!!!!

  2. Y’know, Pete, I think it’s dangerous enough that Michael Moore is meddling in the affairs of the American government. It’s very disturbing that he’s going to meddle now in the affairs of international politics. Talk about making the world safe for freedom, someone needs to lock this guy up.

  3. It was funny seeing Moore being interviewed by Matt Lauer, who isn’t exactly a journalistic pit bull. Lauer said that his books and movies were aimed at left-wingers, so what were people who disagreed with him supposed to think?
    Moore looked like he was taken off-guard, and readjusted his baseball cap. “That’s a good question,” he began blankly, and mumbled incoherently for a few minutes. What would have happened if he went up against, say, Sean Hannity? He’d have been eaten alive.

  4. Hey JS, I’m pursuing a double-doctorate in canon law. One is a civil PhD in canon law, and the other is the ecclesiastical JCD.

  5. I believe that Michael Moore is simply an opportunist who is making hay while the sun shines. I think that if he could make money bashing liberals, he’d do it. There’s just too much competition on that side of the aisle, thankfully.

  6. Michael Moore, Madonna (excuse me, ESTHER), Governor Jennifer Granholm… sheesh, I’m almost embarassed to say I’m from Michigan anymore. Thankfully we can also claim Charlton Heston, Bob Seeger and the Detroit Pistons.

  7. I saw Moore introduce BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE at its Canadian premiere, at the Toronto Film Festival in September 2002. In his intro speech, where I was like five or six feet away from him, he said how much he liked Canada and what he called its “Canadian ethic” of caring for one another rather than dog-eat-dog capitalism, etc. But then he proceeded to show how out of touch he was, by warning his audience of the threat to that Canadian ethic posed by “that guy, what’s his name … Mulroney.” In other words, he fumbled after the name of someone who was last prime minister almost a decade ago and hasn’t been in active politics since. (And to boot, someone who would hardly be considered especially right-wing by US standards … in fact, it was more-or-less under his tenure that a splinter party formed on his right.)
    It was also clear, from the content of BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE itself (which actually isn’t quite as unspeakably dreadful as you might fear), that “Canada” is a construction in Moore’s mind — what the United States should be, and would be if Americans would only have the right values and elect the right politicians. (That thread in Moore’s work is a long one, going back to TV NATION. Only ROGER AND ME is really free of it.) The sequence about Canadians leaving their doors unlocked was laughed at by Canadian film buffs of my acquaintance. They said Canada has good neighborhoods and bad ones like the US and whether you leave your door unlocked depends on the neighborhood and your personal temperement — just like in the US.

  8. Michael Morre is a Catholic Christian who is doing what all Catholic Christians should do, stand up for what is right, choose human rights over financial gains, choose the truth over power and control. His message is what I believe Christ’s message would be, were he walking embodied among us now. He is the voice of conscience for our government and our hierarchy (of course they don’t recognize that voice…) and I applaud him for taking that message to the world.

  9. merq,
    If Michael Moron did as Jesus Christ, he wouldn’t be spouting trash all over the place. Michael certainly doesn’t spout “Love thy neighbor”. And I’m sure Jesus would not advocate slander and libel against the Roman or any other government.

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