The spirituality of Opus Dei

Reflecting on the beautiful quote I posted below and what I’ve read of and by St. Josemaria Escriva, I’m convinced that the spirituality of Opus Dei is the antidote for the pathologies of modernity: atheism, secularism, hedonism, spiritualism, and whatever other “isms” I’ve neglected to mention. The tendency in the West to remove any mention of the Christian God or religion from public discourse is countered by the Opus Dei, which seeks to sanctify everyday life in a practical manner, thus giving its members a means to answer the universal call to holiness of Lumen Gentium and providing the world with an authentic witness of Christ.

St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer Memorial

“I will go up to the foot of the Cross; I will press my arms tightly around the cold body, the corpse of Christ, with the fire of my love…..I will unail it, with my reparation and mortifications….I will wrap it in the new winding-sheet of my clean life, and I will bury it in the clean rock of my breast, where no one can tear it away from me, and there, Lord, take your rest! Were the whole world to abandon you…serviam! I will serve you Lord.”
-St. Jose Maria Escriva

Ora pro nobis!

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