The Scandal goes global

Three Dallas Morning News reporters have found that much as some dioceses moved abuser-priests from town to town or across diocesan lines, some religious orders moved priests known to have molested children from country to country to spare them from public exposure and prosecution. Reporters found such priests still in active ministry with children. Any bishop who thinks the worst of these revelations are over is engaged in wishful thinking.

Categorized as The News

Speaking of Torture

Cantors have been known to cause heartburn, anxiety, dismay and hearing loss. Everyone could relate a story about the Cantor who made a liturgy nearly unbearable because of the volume, tone or gestures. Did he reach the high note that starts “On Eagle’s Wings?” Probably not, and neither did the rest of the congregation.
A cantor is supposed to lead the musical/congregational prayer of the liturgy. I try to be as unobtrusive as possible. I say as little as possible, I only move to bring the congregation in (usually with one arm) and I move away from the mic when the range is such that I don’t need the mic and when it’s time for the congregation to sing. There’s nothing worse than what Thomas Day calls “Mr. Caruso” – the cantor that has the mic planted firmly between his front teeth and is extracting every decibel possible from the parish’s shoddy sound system.
If cantors remembers it’s all about prayer to God rather than all about themselves, that usually goes a long way to helping the situation.
I could go on and on, but I’m out of time and I’m sure you have opinions.