At Sunday’s Boston Common rally for the preservation of legal marriage, the most enthusiastic and protracted ovation for any of the speakers (except for the archbishop) went to Jewish conservative and long-time columnist Don Feder.
Now, this applause was coming from the people who, if you want to believe the talking heads on TV, are one movie away from staging a new pogrom. Call me skeptical, but I don’t think it’s too likely.
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what exactly is a pogrom?
Main Entry: 1po·grom
Pronunciation: ‘pO-gr&m, ‘pä-; pO-‘gräm, p&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Yiddish, from Russian, literally, devastation
: an organized massacre of helpless people; specifically : such a massacre of Jews
Irony is a wonderful thing.
Excellent point.
Sure, but where’s the irony here?