1. Nice banner, but unfortunately too late: Dean is toast, Kerry is in ascendence. Teddy Kennedy posing as JFK. Not as easy a target as Dean, but still very liberal (More liberal than Dean was back in Vermont). If Bush loses this one, the fault will rest mainly on his own shoulders.

  2. Jesus had plenty of harsh things to say to some sinners: to people who assured themselves of their superior righteousness, who strained at gnats and swallowed camels, who paid tithes on their spices but failed to help their parents. You can look up the citations as readily as I can.
    I don’t think it would be much of a stretch to put some “Catholics for Dean” in the same category, if they vote for him because of their perception of economic-justice issues while ignoring his support for state-subsidized child-killing.
    The only issue comparable to abortion in gravity is the war, and even there Bush has an arguable edge, because procured abortion is always wrong, whereas defensive war is in some limited cases morally acceptable.
    As to whether the banner above “hatefully” mocks anyone, maybe it’s time to ask yourself whether it is good and correct to attribute hate to others, when we really only know it for sure when we find it in ourselves.

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