Looking for a good Catholic politician?

Everybody knows that Jeb Bush is Catholic, right?


  1. Now if only the Church authorities in Florida had been so strident on this as the politicians who legislated here, and the Governor who led a courageous fight in court before then.

  2. I don’t think a vigorous public intervention by the local bishops would have helped in this case: the pro-death crowd could well have exploited it as an excuse to hide behind “freedom of conscience” or some such slogan.
    Now, if there were bad-Catholic politicians speaking against saving Terri, there would be a particular need for the bishops to intervene and clarify Christian teaching.
    In general, though, the application of Christian values in secular life is the vocation of the laity.

  3. Application, yes. But there was a lot of moral confusion about Schiavo’s status, one that could have been clarified by the bishops.

  4. Plus the comments that the local bishop did make made the matter even more confusing because he did not clearly state that removing the feeding tube in this case would be an immoral act.

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