Forget Canada Day — I’ll take the 4th

Thanks guys for wishing me a happy Canada Day yesterday, but with same-sex marriage and everything, the only good thing about our Canada Day yesterday is that I got to spend it in the United States. (Oh yeah, and my Wanderer arrived with the editorial in it that I had posted to Catholic Light a couple weeks ago.) Anyway, I flew my Canadian flag at half-mast since never before have I been more ashamed of being Canadian. Any hint of homesickness I may have felt was extinguished when a conservative website from back home posted a link to the following disgusting pics of this past weekend’s [WARNING — (PORNO)GRAPHIC CONTENT — DO NOT VIEW WITH CHILDREN AROUND] Toronto Gay Pride Parade. Yes, this is what our Charter of Rights and Freedoms now protects. Please notice this is not taking place in a bath-house somewhere, but in public during broad daylight on one of the busiest streets in Canada’s most populous city. As my buddy Steve Martinovich over at Enter Stage Right asked, “Anybody want to sponsor me for US citizenship?”


  1. Yuck! I could have happily lived the rest of my life without seeing those images. Now that I’ve thoroughly washed my eyes out, and I can see clearly enough to type, I can comment.
    Can’t those people see that such behavior only works against them and their cause in the public eye? Can’t they see how it exacerbates the gay stereotype? How can they expect to be treated with any kind of dignity or even taken seriously when they voluntarily commit such vulgar acts in public? Sick.
    In the interest of fair play, I’m sure a lot of homosexuals cringe at the site of people doing these things and hurting the credibility of their cause. These men in the parade are the equivalent of those crazy abortion clinic bombers to the pro-life movement.
    As I said in an earlier comment, I hope and pray that Canadian lawmakers, religious groups made up of numerous denominations, and other supporters of moral values can rally together and reverse what has happened in their country.

  2. By the way, for those Canadians looking to emigrate due to this decline in morals in their country, we’ve got lots of room in beautiful northern Maine, and would welcome the moral decency that those people would bring. Our weather is a lot like most of Canada’s too! You’d feel right at home. Our roadsigns are only in one language though, and it isn’t French.

  3. Actually, Chris, some aspect of that behavior has been in so-dubbed “pride parades” ever since I can remember, and my experience as a gay activist goes back to the early to mid 1980’s.
    I think its there because, although many activists want to hide it, the gay movement has always been about sex at its core. The men at the Stonewall Bar, whose fight against police who came to raid the place is considered the “birthday” of gay pride, were not there for tea and crumpets, after all.
    And while there has been good to come out of the movement, for example I think it healthier for men and women who live with a degree of same sex attraction to be able to deal with that and talk about it in an open and fair way, the wing of the movement which has seen the effort primarily as one of sexual liberation for libidinous behavior has always been there.

  4. Anyway, Pete, do let us know if you’re really interested in defecting from Canada to the States. We’ll be happy to have you, and you can teach us the tricks of how to “pass” when we go up north: e.g., how to pronounce “about”.

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