Being All Things to All Men, I mean: Browsers

A reader told us that the new format didn’t work well with WebTV, which has a screen resolution of 544 x 372, so I’m offering CL in an alternative format suitable for narrow-screen browsers, at I don’t have a WebTV set to test this with, so if this doesn’t work quite right yet, specific feedback from readers will help.


  1. Thanks, RC! Catholic Light is now truly the blog of the Catholic everymanperson!
    And we post all weekend! What other blog does that?

  2. I have a WebTV unit, and personally I don’t see the problem. I can view either version just fine. The only difference is that the main site has a slightly narrower border.

  3. Thanks, Jim. I’ll check out those margins and make them consistent. The reader who asked about it says that the new version displays better on her WebTV than the regular version. So go figure: maybe there are multiple versions of the device or its software?

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