Cal Thomas is on a

Cal Thomas is on a roll today

A long time ago, in a country that now seems far, far away, the United States of America was feared and respected, especially by its enemies. No nation or terrorist group considered attacking America on its own soil, and most people thought twice before harming an American overseas.
On the day of Ronald Reagan’s Inauguration in 1981, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini released 52 American hostages he had held for 444 days. He had kept them that long because he realized a weak and indecisive President Jimmy Carter (who now advises President Bush to follow a similar path) wasn’t going to employ force to get them back. The ayatollah rightly feared Mr. Reagan might turn Iran into a parking lot if he didn’t let our people go.

Mr. Thomas used to play basketball you know. That doesn’t have anything to do with anything – I’m just throwing that out there. Oh, and he’s not Catholic but Jesus loves him like there is only Cal Thomas and no one else.