This kitten needs a

This kitten needs a good home

I’m hoping one of our kind readers in the Washington Metro area will adopt this kitten. Her name is Lisette. I think she is about eight to ten weeks old. Please email if you can give her a home!

Hmm….Stephen King a Prophet?I was

Hmm….Stephen King a Prophet?

I was just reading the King of Horror’s Needful Things when I came across the following line which, given the most recent controversy to overtake the apologetics movement, left me wondering…. He’s so Catholic he finds the Pope kosher.

Christian music and the people

Christian music and the people who love it
I’m curious to know what the vast, teeming throngs of Catholic Light groupies think of contemporary Christian music (CCM). I could guess, I suppose, but I want to hear it from you, because a) I’m interested; and 4) I’m trying to get out of work soon, and I don’t have time to type a whole lot. There’s an article on National Review Online about a CCM band called Lifehouse. I’ve never heard of them, but the author says about the band’s style, “One could do worse than to have one’s music described as a cross between Jesus Christ and Kurt Cobain.” Not much worse, in my estimation. It’s the Son of God and the pop god of nihilism — together, at last!