Mixing it up at work again

Yesterday a coworker of mine was telling us he thought he was getting sick. I forgot myself for a moment and said, “You know who helps me when I get sick? The holy souls in Purgatory!” Oops. I had to explain that one to this mere Christian and another person there, a fugitive from the Church since her college days. “The saints and the souls in Purgatory are our friends – they can pray for us just like we pray for each other!” The Fugitive said, “I don’t think they can hear us!” I left it at that.

Later that day I found I was missing my PDA. I hunted for it around the office and couldn’t find it. When I got home I looked all and turned up nothing . I asked St. Anthony to help me. This morning I got into my car and thought to search the back seat. I reached in back without even looking and put my hand on it immediately. I thanked St. Anthony for his gracious assistance and started off to work. I told the Fugitive about it.

“Remember yesterday when I was talking about the saints? I prayed to St. Anthony to help me find my PDA,” I said.

“Who is St. Anthony?” the Fugitve asked.

“St. Anthony of Padua. He’s traditionally prayed to when you need assistance finding a lost object.” I told her how I had prayed to him and found my PDA.

“I like stories like that,” she said, smiling.