Bizzy & Thoughts about where Priests are today

Work is crazy this week – we have several big projects going on and lots of business development activity. So I am blogging a bit less.
Teresa, Steve and I had dinner with a priest on Sunday night and I realized something I hadn’t before: many priests are anxious about the current happens enough to be changing how the minister. This priest told us he was no longer hearing confessions face to face. “It’s the priests perogative to determine the manner the confession is heard.” His concern is that any accusation would come down to his word vs. another word so he needs to have guidelines to try to minimize any problems.
It’s not an easy decision to make, I’m sure – but certainly indicative of the climate. I’m sure there’s men who walk around in their clerical garb wondering if the look they’re getting means that someone’s wondering if he is a child molester, an embezzler or has a large stock-pile of porn back at the rectory. It’s a tough time to be a priest, and a tough time to be a Catholic.
Point is, priests need our prayers very much.