I am very happy with my new job!

I just started yesterday with a company I started doing business with in 1999. I’ll get into more pedestrian details about it at another time. What is amazing is that everyone who works there is Christian – it’s quite a little ecumenical community! They eat together, pray together, some of them go to church together and this has an amazing effect on the esprit de corps and their productivity. One guy is Catholic, there are several Evangelicals and one Episcopalian. The last is a young woman who is as sweet as pie and is quite an athlete. She gets up at 4 in the A.M. every day to swim for an hour and a half, then runs or bikes for a spell in the evening. One of the men told me she doesn’t go to church because she feels so close to God when she is exercising. “To each his own,” he says. I was thinking more like “To each His own!” Jesus founded a Church when he walked this Earth. He wants us to worship Him in a certain manner. He wished for His sacrifice to be celebrated in a sacramental fashion. Can I question anyone’s love for Christ or their faith? I can’t. But I can ask, “What happens when you are running and you don’t feel close to God anymore?” Maybe when I get to know her better I will.

More on this later tonight if I am able. My brain is toast from acclimating to the new job – it’s quite a learning curve. I do have to thank God for giving me this opportunity to work and grow with such a fine company. I am shattered by His grace.