Come, Thou Long Expected Indult

ACI Prensa has this on the upcoming liturgical documents.
(NB: this is my own off-the-cuff translation of the Spanish. Caveat lector.)

Motu Proprio after Christmas, Apostolic Exhortation in January
ACI NEWSROOM, 14 Dec. 06 (ACI).- Sources in the Vatican tell ACI Prensa that the Motu Proprio by which Pope Benedict XVI will grant a universal indult for the Missal of St. Pius V may be published after Christmas; furthermore, the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist will see light in the middle of January.
The sources confirm the press statement by Cardinal Jorge Medina Estévez, who recently participated in the meeting of the “Ecclesia Dei” Commission –charged with dialogue with the Lefebvrist schism– in which the final version of the text of the Motu Proprio was revised.
The indult is said to allow the Mass of St. Pius V to be celebrated freely, without the current requirement of explicit permission from the local bishop. The Motu Proprio, however, does not deal with the canonical issue of the Society of St. Pius X, the schismatic organizatión created by Mons. Marcel Lefebvre.
The Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist, according to the same sources, has been completed by Pope Benedict XVI and is in the process of translation into the various languages in which it will be published.
The text, which will see the light after January 15, say the sources, reaffirms a “no” for married priests, promotes the use of Latin in liturgical celebrations, and also asks that seminarians learn the use of that language.
The text also supports the recovery of Gregorian chant and polyphonic sacred music in place of modern music, which would imply a gradual removal of musical instruments “inadequate” for the solemnity and reverence of the Eucharistic Celebration.



  1. The rumours about this Indult have at last been given authorised confirmation. Praise God. If the forecast of the liturgical improvements to the Novus Order are accurate there is much to praise Him for as well. But it will take years for the recommendations to take root because so many of the clergy are happy with the status quo. Praise God that the reforms will start in the seminaries for in them lies hope.

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